We had fourteen (14) shooters, and utilized four (4) e-Targets for the match. For four (4) relays it took us the better part of four (4) hours to shoot a 2×600. Still faster than if we had done it pulled, but not as fast as if we didn’t spend time fumbling along. However, we are getting better with this equipment. I believe a few more matches and we’ll be the “duty experts” on the Silver Mountain Target software.
Today, in the sling any rifle category, Jake Bondy showed us how to do it with a 398-21X. He was distantly chased by Chris Whitney with a 396-14X. It is notable that there were no cleans even on the “Helen Keller” targets today. A puffy wind with heavy mirage dominated the conditions.
Josh Moore out paced the F-Classers shooting a 393-18X with his F-TR rifle. Notably, John Roethlisberger (apparently no relation to Ben) shot a 392-14X to place second. His was John’s first Mid-Range match. He used John Pierce’s Rifle, and most handily beat John with it. I’ll bet Mr. Pierce makes him buy an action to build his own….
And lastly, Leo Cebula learned that it is smart to tighten the guard screws before shooting a match for the second time in less than 12 months….
2016 Winter Mid-Range Prone Match 2
In our continuing efforts to show a little local color each match, below is one of Bob Lorenz’s plots for today.