We had thirteen shooters on what was for me personally the hottest day that I’ve shot on this year. For all of that, it was only about 85 F. Probably says something about how cool the year has been.
It was a still day, so scores should have been high, however, our shooters seemed to be dealing with a raft of equipment issues. So other than the leaders, scores were down.
Amongst the sling shooters, Peter Church set the pace with a 599-29X with his Palma rifle. Pete was clearly showing that he is ready for the 2015 National Fullbore and World Championships to be held at Camp Perry, Ohio in August. Pete was closely followed by Paul Larson with a 598-31X.
In the F-Class category, the high F-TR shooter was Tom Majewski with a 589-21X, followed by Al Walewski with a 586-17X.
Our next match at Midland will be the Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship on Saturday, September 5, 2015 (the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend). Watch our schedule pages for updates.