2022-2023 Snow Country Shoot-Off Results

Final Results:

Last Name First Name Type First Second Aggregate
Solomon Bret F-Class 635.2 636.7 1271.9
Bollinger Marcel F-Class 629.7 630.5 1260.2
Weinrich James F-Class 626.4 631.9 1258.3
Zwart Cameron Sling 613.4 612.9 1226.3
Sarchett Timothy Sling 607.0 609.0 1216.0
Remsynder Larry Sling 609.0 601.0 1210.0
Duda Gary Sling 608.4 597.0 1205.4

Congratulations to Bret Solomon the F-Class Champion and to Cameron Zwart the Any Sight Sling Champion.

Award checks were mailed on April 18, 2023.

2022-2023 Snow Country Shoot-Off

The Snow Country Shoot-Off for the 2022-2023 season will be held at the Jackson County Sportsman’s Club, 500 Mantle, Jackson, Michigan on Saturday, April 15, 2023.  The range will open around 8:00 AM, and firing will commence by 9:00 AM.

2022-2023 Snow Country Final Aggregate

These are the final results for the 2022-2023 Snow Country.  Please review them for typos and mistakes.  I will finalize them by April 3, 2023.  If you see an issue, email me lcebula@comcast.net.

First Last Match Number Category Match Agg Best 4 Series Agg
Dan Altman 1 Sling Prone 611.9 611.9
Dan Altman 2 Sling Prone 618.8 618.8 1230.7
Jay Baker 1 F-Class Prone 601.4 601.4
Jay Baker 2 F-Class Prone 599.3 599.3 1200.7
Marcel Bollinger 1 F-Class Prone 632.0
Marcel Bollinger 2 F-Class Prone 636.5 636.5
Marcel Bollinger 3 F-Class Prone 634.6 634.6
Marcel Bollinger 4 F-Class Prone 632.7
Marcel Bollinger 5 F-Class Prone 634.1 634.1
Marcel Bollinger 6 F-Class Prone 634.5 634.5 2539.7
Leo Cebula 1 Sling Prone 605.2 605.2
Leo Cebula 2 Sling Prone 615.7 615.7
Leo Cebula 3 Sling Prone 605.1 605.1
Leo Cebula 4 Sling Prone 615.7 615.7 2441.7
Carver Chittenden 1 Collegiate/Junior 559.5 559.5
Carver Chittenden 2 Collegiate/Junior 566.3 566.3
Carver Chittenden 3 Collegiate/Junior 555.0 555.0
Carver Chittenden 4 Collegiate/Junior 578.7 578.7 2259.5
Arlyn Doornbos 1 Sling Prone 582.6 582.6
Arlyn Doornbos 2 Sling Prone 592.0 592.0
Arlyn Doornbos 3 Sling Prone 595.6 595.6
Arlyn Doornbos 4 Sling Prone 583.1 583.1 2353.3
Dale Doornbos 1 F-Class Prone 612.3 612.3
Dale Doornbos 2 F-Class Prone 614.1 614.1
Dale Doornbos 3 F-Class Prone 609.2
Dale Doornbos 4 F-Class Prone 615.4 615.4
Dale Doornbos 5 F-Class Prone 614.1 614.1 2455.9
Gary Duda 1 Sling Prone 617.4 617.4
Gary Duda 2 Sling Prone 615.7 615.7
Gary Duda 3 Sling Prone 616.0 616.0
Gary Duda 4 Sling Prone 620.1 620.1
Gary Duda 5 Sling Prone 606.5 2469.2
Carl Fausze 1 Sling Prone 577.0 577.0
Carl Fausze 2 Sling Prone 577.7 577.7 1154.7
Steve Fenske 1 Sling Prone 580.6 580.6
Steve Fenske 2 Sling Prone 561.7
Steve Fenske 3 Sling Prone 573.0 573.0
Steve Fenske 4 Sling Prone 576.8 576.8
Steve Fenske 5 Sling Prone 580.1 580.1 2310.5
Ed Gostomski 1 F-Class Prone 635.6 635.6
Ed Gostomski 2 F-Class Prone 637.5 637.5
Ed Gostomski 3 F-Class Prone 637.9 637.9
Ed Gostomski 4 F-Class Prone 635.2
Ed Gostomski 5 F-Class Prone 634.0
Ed Gostomski 6 F-Class Prone 637.8 637.8 2548.8
Steve Goyette 1 F-Class Prone 623.6
Steve Goyette 2 F-Class Prone 633.2 633.2
Steve Goyette 3 F-Class Prone 637.0 637.0
Steve Goyette 4 F-Class Prone 631.0 631.0
Steve Goyette 5 F-Class Prone 633.7 633.7 2534.9
Donald Hicks 1 F-Class Prone 628.4 628.4 628.4
Miranda Howell 1 Collegiate/Junior 501.4 501.4
Miranda Howell 2 Collegiate/Junior 532.4 532.4
Miranda Howell 3 Collegiate/Junior 542.2 542.2
Miranda Howell 4 Collegiate/Junior 531.2 531.2 2107.2
Mark Javit 1 F-Class Prone 625.1 625.1
Mark Javit 2 F-Class Prone 623.4
Mark Javit 3 F-Class Prone 624.7 624.7
Mark Javit 4 F-Class Prone 625.5 625.5
Mark Javit 5 F-Class Prone 627.8 627.8
Mark Javit 6 F-Class Prone 617.4 2503.1
Steve Jones 1 F-Class Prone 631.8 631.8
Steve Jones 2 F-Class Prone 629.8 629.8
Steve Jones 3 F-Class Prone 635.2 635.2
Steve Jones 4 F-Class Prone 632.8 632.8 2529.6
Jim Kampman 1 F-Class Prone 624.3
Jim Kampman 2 F-Class Prone 623.1
Jim Kampman 3 F-Class Prone 624.7 624.7
Jim Kampman 4 F-Class Prone 631.3 631.3
Jim Kampman 5 F-Class Prone 626.7 626.7
Jim Kampman 6 F-Class Prone 629.2 629.2 2511.9
Kelley Neeley 1 F-Class Prone 567.8 567.8
Kelley Neeley 2 F-Class Prone 634.3 634.3
Kelley Neeley 3 F-Class Prone 632.1 632.1
Kelley Neeley 4 F-Class Prone 626.7 626.7 2460.9
Richard Pardini 1 Sling Prone 584.6 584.6
Richard Pardini 2 Sling Prone 593.8 593.8
Richard Pardini 3 Sling Prone 589.5 589.5 1767.9
Larry Remsnyder 1 Sling Prone 596.2 596.2
Larry Remsnyder 2 Sling Prone 607.4 607.4
Larry Remsnyder 3 Sling Prone 604.6 604.6
Larry Remsnyder 4 Sling Prone 602.6 602.6 2410.8
Charlie Reynolds 1 Sling Prone 571.3 571.3
Charlie Reynolds 1 Sling Prone 582.6 582.6 1153.9
Jamie Root 1 Sling Prone 624.4 624.4
Jamie Root 2 Sling Prone 622.5 622.5
Jamie Root 3 Sling Prone 610.4 610.4
Jamie Root 4 Sling Prone 616.3 616.3 2473.6
Timothy Sarchett 1 Sling Prone 603.6
Timothy Sarchett 2 Sling Prone 613.3 613.3
Timothy Sarchett 3 Sling Prone 608.6 608.6
Timothy Sarchett 4 Sling Prone 610.7 610.7
Timothy Sarchett 5 Sling Prone 614.2 614.2
Timothy Sarchett 6 Sling Prone 607.3 2446.8
Bret Solomon 1 F-Class Prone 634.5
Bret Solomon 2 F-Class Prone 636.7 636.7
Bret Solomon 3 F-Class Prone 633.8
Bret Solomon 4 F-Class Prone 637.1 637.1
Bret Solomon 5 F-Class Prone 636.0 636.0
Bret Solomon 6 F-Class Prone 635.0 635.0 2544.8
Dave Strycharz 1 F-Class Prone 640.4 640.4
Dave Strycharz 2 F-Class Prone 635.3
Dave Strycharz 3 F-Class Prone 639.3 639.3
Dave Strycharz 4 F-Class Prone 637.0
Dave Strycharz 5 F-Class Prone 638.0 638.0
Dave Strycharz 6 F-Class Prone 640.1 640.1 2557.8
Jim Weinrich 1 F-Class Prone 632.0
Jim Weinrich 2 F-Class Prone 634.5 634.5
Jim Weinrich 3 F-Class Prone 631.2
Jim Weinrich 4 F-Class Prone 633.4 633.4
Jim Weinrich 5 F-Class Prone 634.8 634.8
Jim Weinrich 6 F-Class Prone 634.2 634.2 2536.9
Cameron Zwart 1 Sling Prone 611.3
Cameron Zwart 2 Sling Prone 625.5 625.5
Cameron Zwart 3 Sling Prone 622.1 622.1
Cameron Zwart 4 Sling Prone 625.4 625.4
Cameron Zwart 5 Sling Prone 618.9 618.9
Cameron Zwart 5 Sling Prone 617.1 2491.9

2022-2023 Snow Country English Match Series – Results for December

Into the second month of the series, we have scores from Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Monroe and Howell.  December matches are complete.

2022-2023 Snow Country Match 1

2022-2023 Snow Country Match 2

2022-2023 Snow Country Match 3

2022-2023 Snow Country Match 4

Next matches are:  January 5 – Grand Rapids, January 14 – Monroe and Howell, January 28 – Muskegon. Still plenty of time to get started.  Program is:  2022-2023 Snow Country English Match Series