Okay, up to date through February 8, 2025:
Next matches are February 15 – Muskegon and Blue Water. Program is here: 2024-2025 Snow Country English Match Series
SEMNO High Masters Shooting Team
Hosted at the Midland County Sportsman’s Club (mcsc.info)
Okay, up to date through February 8, 2025:
Next matches are February 15 – Muskegon and Blue Water. Program is here: 2024-2025 Snow Country English Match Series
Our first scores for the 2024-2025 Season. Includes matches at Monroe, Grand Rapids, Howell, Muskegon and Blue Water. Though November 20, 2024.
2024-2025 Snow Country English Match Series
We have added the Muskegon Rifle and Pistol Club dates
Nov.16Dec.21Jan. 18Feb. 15Mar. 15Mar. 29Hope to see you out at the matches!
All scores received as of March 29, 2024:
The annual Shoot-Off will be held at Jackson County Sportsman’s Club on April 13, 2024 starting at 9:00 AM. The finalists will be specified by April 1, 2024.
As of Monday, February 19, 2024:
Matches for February are finished. The March matches are: Muskegon – March 2 and 16; Grand Rapids – March 7 and 28; Monroe – March 9; Howell – March 9. Program is: 2023-2024 Snow Country English Match Series
Final Results:
Last Name | First Name | Type | First | Second | Aggregate |
Solomon | Bret | F-Class | 635.2 | 636.7 | 1271.9 |
Bollinger | Marcel | F-Class | 629.7 | 630.5 | 1260.2 |
Weinrich | James | F-Class | 626.4 | 631.9 | 1258.3 |
Zwart | Cameron | Sling | 613.4 | 612.9 | 1226.3 |
Sarchett | Timothy | Sling | 607.0 | 609.0 | 1216.0 |
Remsynder | Larry | Sling | 609.0 | 601.0 | 1210.0 |
Duda | Gary | Sling | 608.4 | 597.0 | 1205.4 |
Congratulations to Bret Solomon the F-Class Champion and to Cameron Zwart the Any Sight Sling Champion.
Award checks were mailed on April 18, 2023.
The Snow Country Shoot-Off for the 2022-2023 season will be held at the Jackson County Sportsman’s Club, 500 Mantle, Jackson, Michigan on Saturday, April 15, 2023. The range will open around 8:00 AM, and firing will commence by 9:00 AM.
These are the final results for the 2022-2023 Snow Country. Please review them for typos and mistakes. I will finalize them by April 3, 2023. If you see an issue, email me lcebula@comcast.net.
First | Last | Match Number | Category | Match Agg | Best 4 | Series Agg |
Dan | Altman | 1 | Sling Prone | 611.9 | 611.9 | |
Dan | Altman | 2 | Sling Prone | 618.8 | 618.8 | 1230.7 |
Jay | Baker | 1 | F-Class Prone | 601.4 | 601.4 | |
Jay | Baker | 2 | F-Class Prone | 599.3 | 599.3 | 1200.7 |
Marcel | Bollinger | 1 | F-Class Prone | 632.0 | ||
Marcel | Bollinger | 2 | F-Class Prone | 636.5 | 636.5 | |
Marcel | Bollinger | 3 | F-Class Prone | 634.6 | 634.6 | |
Marcel | Bollinger | 4 | F-Class Prone | 632.7 | ||
Marcel | Bollinger | 5 | F-Class Prone | 634.1 | 634.1 | |
Marcel | Bollinger | 6 | F-Class Prone | 634.5 | 634.5 | 2539.7 |
Leo | Cebula | 1 | Sling Prone | 605.2 | 605.2 | |
Leo | Cebula | 2 | Sling Prone | 615.7 | 615.7 | |
Leo | Cebula | 3 | Sling Prone | 605.1 | 605.1 | |
Leo | Cebula | 4 | Sling Prone | 615.7 | 615.7 | 2441.7 |
Carver | Chittenden | 1 | Collegiate/Junior | 559.5 | 559.5 | |
Carver | Chittenden | 2 | Collegiate/Junior | 566.3 | 566.3 | |
Carver | Chittenden | 3 | Collegiate/Junior | 555.0 | 555.0 | |
Carver | Chittenden | 4 | Collegiate/Junior | 578.7 | 578.7 | 2259.5 |
Arlyn | Doornbos | 1 | Sling Prone | 582.6 | 582.6 | |
Arlyn | Doornbos | 2 | Sling Prone | 592.0 | 592.0 | |
Arlyn | Doornbos | 3 | Sling Prone | 595.6 | 595.6 | |
Arlyn | Doornbos | 4 | Sling Prone | 583.1 | 583.1 | 2353.3 |
Dale | Doornbos | 1 | F-Class Prone | 612.3 | 612.3 | |
Dale | Doornbos | 2 | F-Class Prone | 614.1 | 614.1 | |
Dale | Doornbos | 3 | F-Class Prone | 609.2 | ||
Dale | Doornbos | 4 | F-Class Prone | 615.4 | 615.4 | |
Dale | Doornbos | 5 | F-Class Prone | 614.1 | 614.1 | 2455.9 |
Gary | Duda | 1 | Sling Prone | 617.4 | 617.4 | |
Gary | Duda | 2 | Sling Prone | 615.7 | 615.7 | |
Gary | Duda | 3 | Sling Prone | 616.0 | 616.0 | |
Gary | Duda | 4 | Sling Prone | 620.1 | 620.1 | |
Gary | Duda | 5 | Sling Prone | 606.5 | 2469.2 | |
Carl | Fausze | 1 | Sling Prone | 577.0 | 577.0 | |
Carl | Fausze | 2 | Sling Prone | 577.7 | 577.7 | 1154.7 |
Steve | Fenske | 1 | Sling Prone | 580.6 | 580.6 | |
Steve | Fenske | 2 | Sling Prone | 561.7 | ||
Steve | Fenske | 3 | Sling Prone | 573.0 | 573.0 | |
Steve | Fenske | 4 | Sling Prone | 576.8 | 576.8 | |
Steve | Fenske | 5 | Sling Prone | 580.1 | 580.1 | 2310.5 |
Ed | Gostomski | 1 | F-Class Prone | 635.6 | 635.6 | |
Ed | Gostomski | 2 | F-Class Prone | 637.5 | 637.5 | |
Ed | Gostomski | 3 | F-Class Prone | 637.9 | 637.9 | |
Ed | Gostomski | 4 | F-Class Prone | 635.2 | ||
Ed | Gostomski | 5 | F-Class Prone | 634.0 | ||
Ed | Gostomski | 6 | F-Class Prone | 637.8 | 637.8 | 2548.8 |
Steve | Goyette | 1 | F-Class Prone | 623.6 | ||
Steve | Goyette | 2 | F-Class Prone | 633.2 | 633.2 | |
Steve | Goyette | 3 | F-Class Prone | 637.0 | 637.0 | |
Steve | Goyette | 4 | F-Class Prone | 631.0 | 631.0 | |
Steve | Goyette | 5 | F-Class Prone | 633.7 | 633.7 | 2534.9 |
Donald | Hicks | 1 | F-Class Prone | 628.4 | 628.4 | 628.4 |
Miranda | Howell | 1 | Collegiate/Junior | 501.4 | 501.4 | |
Miranda | Howell | 2 | Collegiate/Junior | 532.4 | 532.4 | |
Miranda | Howell | 3 | Collegiate/Junior | 542.2 | 542.2 | |
Miranda | Howell | 4 | Collegiate/Junior | 531.2 | 531.2 | 2107.2 |
Mark | Javit | 1 | F-Class Prone | 625.1 | 625.1 | |
Mark | Javit | 2 | F-Class Prone | 623.4 | ||
Mark | Javit | 3 | F-Class Prone | 624.7 | 624.7 | |
Mark | Javit | 4 | F-Class Prone | 625.5 | 625.5 | |
Mark | Javit | 5 | F-Class Prone | 627.8 | 627.8 | |
Mark | Javit | 6 | F-Class Prone | 617.4 | 2503.1 | |
Steve | Jones | 1 | F-Class Prone | 631.8 | 631.8 | |
Steve | Jones | 2 | F-Class Prone | 629.8 | 629.8 | |
Steve | Jones | 3 | F-Class Prone | 635.2 | 635.2 | |
Steve | Jones | 4 | F-Class Prone | 632.8 | 632.8 | 2529.6 |
Jim | Kampman | 1 | F-Class Prone | 624.3 | ||
Jim | Kampman | 2 | F-Class Prone | 623.1 | ||
Jim | Kampman | 3 | F-Class Prone | 624.7 | 624.7 | |
Jim | Kampman | 4 | F-Class Prone | 631.3 | 631.3 | |
Jim | Kampman | 5 | F-Class Prone | 626.7 | 626.7 | |
Jim | Kampman | 6 | F-Class Prone | 629.2 | 629.2 | 2511.9 |
Kelley | Neeley | 1 | F-Class Prone | 567.8 | 567.8 | |
Kelley | Neeley | 2 | F-Class Prone | 634.3 | 634.3 | |
Kelley | Neeley | 3 | F-Class Prone | 632.1 | 632.1 | |
Kelley | Neeley | 4 | F-Class Prone | 626.7 | 626.7 | 2460.9 |
Richard | Pardini | 1 | Sling Prone | 584.6 | 584.6 | |
Richard | Pardini | 2 | Sling Prone | 593.8 | 593.8 | |
Richard | Pardini | 3 | Sling Prone | 589.5 | 589.5 | 1767.9 |
Larry | Remsnyder | 1 | Sling Prone | 596.2 | 596.2 | |
Larry | Remsnyder | 2 | Sling Prone | 607.4 | 607.4 | |
Larry | Remsnyder | 3 | Sling Prone | 604.6 | 604.6 | |
Larry | Remsnyder | 4 | Sling Prone | 602.6 | 602.6 | 2410.8 |
Charlie | Reynolds | 1 | Sling Prone | 571.3 | 571.3 | |
Charlie | Reynolds | 1 | Sling Prone | 582.6 | 582.6 | 1153.9 |
Jamie | Root | 1 | Sling Prone | 624.4 | 624.4 | |
Jamie | Root | 2 | Sling Prone | 622.5 | 622.5 | |
Jamie | Root | 3 | Sling Prone | 610.4 | 610.4 | |
Jamie | Root | 4 | Sling Prone | 616.3 | 616.3 | 2473.6 |
Timothy | Sarchett | 1 | Sling Prone | 603.6 | ||
Timothy | Sarchett | 2 | Sling Prone | 613.3 | 613.3 | |
Timothy | Sarchett | 3 | Sling Prone | 608.6 | 608.6 | |
Timothy | Sarchett | 4 | Sling Prone | 610.7 | 610.7 | |
Timothy | Sarchett | 5 | Sling Prone | 614.2 | 614.2 | |
Timothy | Sarchett | 6 | Sling Prone | 607.3 | 2446.8 | |
Bret | Solomon | 1 | F-Class Prone | 634.5 | ||
Bret | Solomon | 2 | F-Class Prone | 636.7 | 636.7 | |
Bret | Solomon | 3 | F-Class Prone | 633.8 | ||
Bret | Solomon | 4 | F-Class Prone | 637.1 | 637.1 | |
Bret | Solomon | 5 | F-Class Prone | 636.0 | 636.0 | |
Bret | Solomon | 6 | F-Class Prone | 635.0 | 635.0 | 2544.8 |
Dave | Strycharz | 1 | F-Class Prone | 640.4 | 640.4 | |
Dave | Strycharz | 2 | F-Class Prone | 635.3 | ||
Dave | Strycharz | 3 | F-Class Prone | 639.3 | 639.3 | |
Dave | Strycharz | 4 | F-Class Prone | 637.0 | ||
Dave | Strycharz | 5 | F-Class Prone | 638.0 | 638.0 | |
Dave | Strycharz | 6 | F-Class Prone | 640.1 | 640.1 | 2557.8 |
Jim | Weinrich | 1 | F-Class Prone | 632.0 | ||
Jim | Weinrich | 2 | F-Class Prone | 634.5 | 634.5 | |
Jim | Weinrich | 3 | F-Class Prone | 631.2 | ||
Jim | Weinrich | 4 | F-Class Prone | 633.4 | 633.4 | |
Jim | Weinrich | 5 | F-Class Prone | 634.8 | 634.8 | |
Jim | Weinrich | 6 | F-Class Prone | 634.2 | 634.2 | 2536.9 |
Cameron | Zwart | 1 | Sling Prone | 611.3 | ||
Cameron | Zwart | 2 | Sling Prone | 625.5 | 625.5 | |
Cameron | Zwart | 3 | Sling Prone | 622.1 | 622.1 | |
Cameron | Zwart | 4 | Sling Prone | 625.4 | 625.4 | |
Cameron | Zwart | 5 | Sling Prone | 618.9 | 618.9 | |
Cameron | Zwart | 5 | Sling Prone | 617.1 | 2491.9 |
As of March 30, 2023:
2022-2023 Snow Country Match 1
2022-2023 Snow Country Match 2
2022-2023 Snow Country Match 3
2022-2023 Snow Country Match 4
2022-2023 Snow Country Match 5
2022-2023 Snow Country Match 6
The remaining matches in March are Grand Rapids – March 30. We will announce the Shoot-Off Finalist after the 30th.
Into the second month of the series, we have scores from Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Monroe and Howell. December matches are complete.
2022-2023 Snow Country Match 1
2022-2023 Snow Country Match 2
2022-2023 Snow Country Match 3
2022-2023 Snow Country Match 4
Next matches are: January 5 – Grand Rapids, January 14 – Monroe and Howell, January 28 – Muskegon. Still plenty of time to get started. Program is: 2022-2023 Snow Country English Match Series