We have rescheduled Match 3 of the 2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League to July 4, 2019 vice July 6, 2019. Please make a note of it.
See you on the 4th!
SEMNO High Masters Shooting Team
Hosted at the Midland County Sportsman’s Club (mcsc.info)
We have rescheduled Match 3 of the 2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League to July 4, 2019 vice July 6, 2019. Please make a note of it.
See you on the 4th!
It was an odd day. It looked like it wanted to rain, so we put out the rain canopies. So I suppose that is why it didn’t rain. We had a good turn out (for a league match), of twelve (12) competitors.
Of note was a new shooter, Bruce Clothier, shooting F-Open who finished with a 600-36X. An outstanding score! High F-TR was Scott Burr with a 593-31. Ray Gross was high Target Rifle (Sling) shooter with a 598-34X. Compete results below: