
This page is devoted to the display of educational information that SEMNO has either borrowed or developed to assist new shooters in improving their skills in long range marksmanship. The materials are offered for the use of any non-profit organization in to assist in the introduction of new competitive shooters to the sport.

  1. First are the Power Point Slides developed for the annual SEMNO clinic. They are provided in Acrobat format for on-line review and printing, click Long Range Clinic 2002 to access.
  2. An effective wind firing strategy by Grant Ubl, of the 1999, and 2003 United States Palma Teams, by clicking Developing an Effective Firing Strategy – G Ubl.
  3. An effective wind firing strategy by Don Sjoblom, by clicking A LONG RANGE FIRNG STRATEGY-October 2001 – Sjoblom.
  4. “Making the grade” by Grant Ubl, his story of the 1999 try-outs.  By clicking Making The Grade.

For #1, above, I would like to provide credit for portions of the presentation. The Fundamentals and Prone sections were based upon the NRA National Coach Development Staff Coaches Certification Course, with modifications and enhancements for our Long Range Clinic. The reloading section came from the NRA Long Range Clinic as presented a few years ago at Camp Perry, Ohio during the National Championships. Other sections were developed independently.
We encourage feedback, especially were you note materials that are technically incorrect. We have used this material for two clinics, and believe that we have the vast majority of oops, and goofs out of it, but small things can escape notice.