Cassie Coultston-Gerigk was the high Collegiate/Junior in the 2020-2021 Snow Country English Match Series with a score of 2341.70. She bested Collin Fox who finished second with a 2332.30.
SEMNO High Masters Shooting Team
Hosted at the Midland County Sportsman’s Club (mcsc.info)
On a really pleasant, although overcast day, we had only five (5) shooters come out to compete. Especially notable was the numbers, only one (1) F-Class Shooter, and four (4) Palma Shooters.
The high F-TR, and only F-TR was Charley Hayes with a 380-7X. High Palma Shooter was Dan Altman with a 399-20X. Interestingly Dan bested Ray Gross and Peter Church by one (1) point. In the X count, either Ray or Peter were better.
2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League – Match 6
This was the last of the Winter Mid-Range Prone matches for 2021. Next weekend, May 1, 2021 will be the first of the Suburban Mid-Range Prone League matches for 2021. Program is: 2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League.
On a sunny April Saturday, we had ten (10) competitors for Match 5 of the Winter Mid-Range Prone League. We had four (4) F-Open shooters, three (3) F-TR shooters (including one new gentleman, Robert Burner), two (2) Palma shooters, and one (1) lonely any rifle competitor.
The high F-Open was Marcel Bollinger with a 392-14X, he was chased by Tony DeKelaita with a 390-16, and Dave Monette with a 390-13.
In F-TR the high shooter was Donald Hicks with a 389-7, followed by Charley Hayes with a 387-8.
In Palma, Ray Gross was high with a 394-19 followed by Leo Cebula with a 391-14.
The sole any rifle competitor was Mike Quillinan with a 393-23.
2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League – Match 5
The next and final Winter Mid-Range Prone League scheduled for 4/24/21. The program is: 2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program. Watch this spot for updates regarding weather for the match on the 24th.
On April 10, 2021 the 2020-2021 Snow Country Shoot-off was conducted at the Jackson Sportsman’s Club in Jackson, Michigan. Of the twelve (12) shooters invited, nine (9) attended. One of the non-attendees was recovering from open heart surgery, one was at the ASSA Collegiate Club Championship with one of the shooters he coaches, and one forgot about the match (it happens).
The winning F-Class Shooter was Dave Strycharz with a 1271.7, besting Ed Gostomski in second place with a 1265.0. In the Sling category, Dan Altman fired a 1247.3, beating his second place shooter, Gary Duda who had a 1233.4.
First | Last | Category | First Match | Second Match | Aggregate |
Dave | Strycharz | F-Class | 637.9 | 633.8 | 1271.7 |
Ed | Gostomski | F-Class | 632.0 | 633.0 | 1265.0 |
Bret | Solomon | F-Class | 630.9 | 631.8 | 1262.7 |
Steve | Goyette | F-Class | 629.1 | 631.7 | 1260.8 |
Mark | Javit | F-Class | 626.3 | 623.6 | 1249.9 |
Dan | Altman | Sling | 621.5 | 625.8 | 1247.3 |
Gary | Duda | Sling | 615.9 | 617.5 | 1233.4 |
Leo | Cebula | Sling | 616.6 | 616.4 | 1233.0 |
Tim | Schmeltzer | Sling | 604.2 | 597.8 | 1202.0 |
This ends the the 2020-2021 Snow Country. We thank all of the shooters who competed in this season, and hope that you will return for the 2021-2022 Snow Country. Watch this spot for details about when it begins.
Our next outdoor match is tentatively scheduled for April 17, 2021 at the Midland County Sportsman’s Club. Program: 2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program
First | Last | Category | Sort |
Cassie | Coulston-Gerigk | Collegiate/Junior | 2341.70 |
Collin | Fox | Collegiate/Junior | 2332.30 |
Christina | Valladres | Collegiate/Junior | 1949.30 |
Mark | VanEvery | Collegiate/Junior | 1132.60 |
Ed | Gostomski | F-Class Prone | 2546.90 |
Steve | Goyette | F-Class Prone | 2544.20 |
Bret | Solomon | F-Class Prone | 2535.10 |
Dave | Strycharz | F-Class Prone | 2532.60 |
Steve | Jones | F-Class Prone | 2517.00 |
Mark | Javit | F-Class Prone | 2495.50 |
Marcel | Bollinger | F-Class Prone | 2486.10 |
Jim | Weinrich | F-Class Prone | 2483.20 |
Dale | Doombos | F-Class Prone | 2406.20 |
Troy | Markosky | F-Class Prone | 2350.30 |
Clinton | Lucas | F-Class Prone | 2313.70 |
Hayden | Lucas | F-Class Prone | 2297.00 |
Leroy | McCormick | F-Class Prone | 2288.70 |
Kelley | Neeley | F-Class Prone | 1891.50 |
Dan | Altman | Sling Prone | 2485.70 |
Jamie | Root | Sling Prone | 2479.50 |
Leo | Cebula | Sling Prone | 2468.50 |
Gary | Duda | Sling Prone | 2468.10 |
Cameron | Zwart | Sling Prone | 2462.20 |
Timothy | Schmeltzer | Sling Prone | 2435.80 |
Larry | Remsnyder | Sling Prone | 2388.40 |
Richard | Pardini | Sling Prone | 2382.10 |
Charlie | Reynolds | Sling Prone | 2377.60 |
Arlyn | Doombos | Sling Prone | 2348.80 |
Jay | Baker | Sling Prone | 2273.80 |
Steve | Fenske | Sling Prone | 2238.00 |
Ken | Potter | Sling Prone | 1814.60 |
Chris | Whitney | Sling Prone | 592.40 |
Hanne | Brantner | Sling Prone | 592.20 |
This is the final results for the Grand Aggregate of the 2020-2021 Snow Country English match series.
The following persons are invited to the Shoot-Off on April 10, 2021 at the Jackson Sportsman’s Club in Jackson, Michigan (see event for map).
Ed | Gostomski |
Steve | Goyette |
Bret | Solomon |
Dave | Strycharz |
Steve | Jones |
Mark | Javit |
Dan | Altman |
Jamie | Root |
Leo | Cebula |
Gary | Duda |
Cameron | Zwart |
Timothy | Schmeltzer |
The course of fire will be two sixty shot English matches (120 record shots total). The range will be open at 8:00 AM, and we will start shooting as soon as all competitors arrive, but no later than 9:00 AM.
On a day that was only a couple degrees shy of almost perfect when we started and perfect when we finished, we only were able to convince four (4) shooters to attend.
We had two (2) of each: F-Open and Palma Rifle Shooters. Tony Dekelaita was high F-Open with a 393-15X, and Ray Gross was high Palma with a 397-20X.
2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League – Match 4
The next potential date is April 17, 2021. Program is: 2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program