Note: The Suburban Mid-Range Prone League starts on Sunday, May 17, 2015. We are shooting on Sunday to give our competitors an opportunity to shoot on Electronic Targets. We will have 2 or 3 Silver Mountain Targets operational for the Sunday shoot (3×600).
If you are available come on out and try the targets. This is likely the wave of the future, and will eliminate trips to the pits, except for set-up and tear down.
Remember that date: Sunday, May 17, 2015!!
Match 4 – May: 2015 WMRP Match 4
Six shooters on an almost perfect day to shoot. Of the six of us, only Jake Bondy shot a score worthy of note: 200-15X with his 6XC. Excellent score no matter what you used.
Match 3 – April: 2015 WMRP Match 3
No particular news (I was out of town).
Match 2 – April: 2015 WMRP Match 2
Outstanding day to shoot. Relatively gentle breezes, temperatures in the 40’s, sun (quite bright for good sight pictures). Six shooters enjoyed the day. Two sling, four F-Class.
Next potential match is Saturday, April 18, 2015. Watch for an email on Friday the 17th for information.
Match 1 – March: 2015 WMRP Match 1
An interesting day. The weather man had given up on rain, but when we arrived at the range, there was rain. Not a lot of rain, but rain nonetheless. After about a 45 minute delay, we finally got started, and everyone got to try to work the bugs out of their equipment, and themselves.
John Pierce shooting F-TR seemed to make it happen quicker amongst the F-TR shooters posting a 392-13. Jake Bondy, one of the two sling shooters finished up with another 392, but with only 12 X’s. For the cool overcast conditions both did well.