On a cool, maybe cold day (one shooter’s lady friend was wearing enough winter gear to go skiing), 15 shooters competed in the fifth of the Mid-Range Prone league matches for 2022.
Even with some challenging wind Pete Vansumeren posted a 600-37X besting the seven (7) F-Open competitors. In F-TR sometime F-TR shooter Leo Cebula lead the four (4) F-TR shooters with a 584-17X. Three (3) Any Rifle shooters were bested by Peter Church with a 596-28X. Lastly, Tom Feige lead the service rifle shooters with a 570-15X.
This was the last Suburban Mid-Range Prone League matches for 2022. Our next match is the Annual Halloween BSA Charity Match on October 22, 2022. Program: 2022 Halloween BSA Charity Match