The 2015 Michigan Fullbore Rifle Championship was shot on a day that started with frost warnings, but ended in an absolutely gorgeous Michigan spring day. The winds were gentle. Just enough to keep the barrel mirage from disturbing your aim, but not enough to disrupt the path of the bullet to the target.
In the Target Rifle aggregate, the winner and state champion was decided between seven (7) shooters separated by one point (446-447). Ultimately, Kevin Nevius from Ohio (the state to our south, you know: You are now entering Ohio, turn your watch back 25 years, that Ohio). Kevin, a two time national smallbore prone champion posted a 447-25X besting the other three 447s and both 446s. For resident state champion, two shooters produced 447-23X (John Luitink, and Peter Church). Their tie was broken by 15.4b(1), as such John Luitink is named the Michigan Fullbore Rifle Champion (TR) for 2015.
In F-TR, Bill Litz posted a 446-21X to become the Michigan Fullbore Rifle Champion (F-TR) for 2015. There were insufficient entries in F-Open to provide an award.
Bill Litz (l) receives his 2015 Michigan Fullbore Championship Plaque from Leo Cebula, President Michigan Rifle and Pistol Association.