Snow Country Shoot-Off Results
Of the ten qualifiers, eight competed in the 2015 Snow Country Shoot-Off. Our congratulations to Kevin Nevius, the 2015 Shoot-Off Winner with a 1192-92X (or 1254.8 decimel).
2015 SC Match 6 – Any
March 2015 – Round Two
The last Snow Country of the year was shot at Howell Gun Club on Saturday, March 28, 2015. We had five (5) shooters, mostly doing reshoots, or in one case a practice. Two of the reshoots were successful, both Jake Bondy and Larry Remsnyder were able to better one of their irons score.
March 2015 – Round One
Monroe had a turn out of eight (8), but one had to withdraw due to a scope malfunction. However, there were a couple of 200’s fired (not many this year, except for Kevin). Leo Cebula had one with scope, and Kevin Nevius had four (4) of them (he had to shoot two matches to finish). His first three (3) resulted in a 600-48X. It was in an any match, but fired with irons.
February 2015 – Round two
Howell was one short of capacity again in February. Things have stabilized on the range. We are placing the targets at about the same height as most ranges (entails moving some of the ballistic shredded tires). We are dealing with the light issues by using Kruger Targets, which have been contrast in the poor light. This should be sufficient to get us through this year. We’ll look into some sort of lights for next year. We saw one clean (Duda), and several 99’s (Pangilinan, & Duda) during the contest.
February 2015 – Round one
Muskegon had three (3) and Monroe had seven (7) shooters. Good turn-out so far this month. Tried “Target Scan” an application for the iPhone to score targets. Was interesting. Where it is an interesting application, we found it would score a ten or a nine based upon the angle the photo (scan) was taken. Not quite ready for prime time scoring.
January 2015 – Round two
We finished the month with a shoot at Howell. Had six (6) shooters, which is about one (1) from a Full House. We continue to make improvements to the usability of the facility. We had put in a wire for targets last month, this month we had it moved down about a foot. Made quite a difference in our Natural Point of Aim. We are still struggling with light on the targets. The overwhelming majority of the competitors chose to use Any Sights, and the light was more than sufficient for that. However, the single iron sight shooter did find the target dark. He tried with some success Kruger targets which are a little brighter. All in all, it was a good match. We look forward to February, not only for the match, but a month closer to the end of the Michigan winter.
Only two (2) shooters at Muskegon. We seem to be cyclical: One year Muskegon is full, then next its slow and Monroe and Howell are full. My hypothesis is all of life is statistical, and in twenty years it generally works out even.
January 2015 – Round one
We have scores from Muskegon, and Monroe so far this month. Once again Monroe filled the ranges with nine (9) shooters. Chris Whitney shooting scope nailed a 200-14X for his last set. A really good string. Didn’t have to dodge the weather or anything else this month. Life is good.
December 2014 – Round two
Both Muskegon and Monroe shot on the 20th. Muskegon had only two (2) shooters, but Monroe filled the range with nine (9). Some pretty good scores were posted. A good weekend. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
December 2014
Our first shoot at Howell in two years was successful. We had four (4) shooters, and tried out the new facility with the crushed tire backstop. We agreed the targets are a touch too high. I believe by the time we shoot the next one we should be able to get them moved down about a foot. Due to the concentration of lighting for pistol targets, we noted that lighting was poor for the prone targets mounted low. We will have to see what could be done to handle that.
November 2014
The first Snow Country match of the 2014-2015 Snow Country was held at Muskegon and Monroe on Saturday, November 22, 2014. Only two competitors fired at Muskegon, but six turned up at Monroe. I suspect this was the result of the ice storm that made its way across Michigan that morning.
It appears Bob Wharton managed the high score for the weekend with a 595. The best that was available in Monroe was Ken Potter’s 580. The shooters at Monroe are all hoping the second time will be the charm.