2020-2021 Snow Country Final Results (Draft) as of 3/28/2021

First Last Category Sort
Christina Valladres Collegiate/Junior 1949.3
Collin Fox Collegiate/Junior 1752.1
Cassie Coulston-Gerigk Collegiate/Junior 1750.3
Mark VanEvery Collegiate/Junior 1132.6
Ed Gostomski F-Class Prone 2546.9
Steve Goyette F-Class Prone 2544.2
Bret Solomon F-Class Prone 2535.1
Dave Strycharz F-Class Prone 2532.6
Steve Jones F-Class Prone 2517.0
Mark Javit F-Class Prone 2495.5
Marcel Bollinger F-Class Prone 2486.1
Jim Weinrich F-Class Prone 2483.2
Dale Doombos F-Class Prone 2406.2
Clinton Lucas F-Class Prone 2313.7
Troy Markosky F-Class Prone 2303.8
Hayden Lucas F-Class Prone 2297.0
Leroy McCormick F-Class Prone 2288.7
Kelley Neeley F-Class Prone 1891.5
Dan Altman Sling Prone 2485.7
Jamie Root Sling Prone 2479.5
Leo Cebula Sling Prone 2468.5
Gary Duda Sling Prone 2468.1
Cameron Zwart Sling Prone 2461.1
Timothy Schmeltzer Sling Prone 2435.8
Larry Remsnyder Sling Prone 2388.4
Richard Pardini Sling Prone 2382.1
Charlie Reynolds Sling Prone 2377.6
Arlyn Doombos Sling Prone 2348.8
Jay Baker Sling Prone 2273.8
Steve Fenske Sling Prone 2238.0
Ken Potter Sling Prone 1814.6
Chris Whitney Sling Prone 592.4
Hanne Brantner Sling Prone 592.2

Aggregate scores are based upon the high four match score of six fired matches. Please bring obvious errors to my attention (Lcebula@comcast.net).

This is NOT the final results.  There are still a match to be shot, April Fool’s Day in Grand Rapids. We will then finalize the results, and name the Shoot-Off contestants.